Lolita 52 Challenge: Vol. 4 - My Best Deal

Lolita 52 Challenge

    Hey there!  This is my forth post for Caro-chan's Lolita 52 Challenge from FYeah Lolita.  Each week I will answer one of the questions on the list.  Last week I talked about my wardrobe turnover.  This week I am talking about my best deal.  To see the rest of my answers click here.  To see what all 52 questions are go check out Caro-chan's post.  (It's linked above!)

    As a thrifter I find some really good deals, but my favorite and most likely the best deal was my Hell Bunny dress.  Not just the dress but the outfit I got that day.

    It was at one of my usual haunts.  I was in the area having breakfast.  When I am on that side of town and I have time (and they are open) I just can not pass up the chance to go in. I love to look around to see if they have anything I can use.  They are my go to for blouses.  As I habitually did I stopped at the dress rack first, knowing that I would never find something lolita there.  Well.  I filed through a few pieces and then I came to a black dress with pink polka dots.  I pulled it off the rack to take a look at it and this is what I thought to myself.
"It's so retro!
It's so lolita!"   
    It was perfect!  It had plenty of room for a petticoat and I just adore polka dots.  It had this gorgeous 50s look to it.  And pockets! (All hail dresses with pockets)  I had never heard of Hell Bunny before this.  Though after this dress I can tell you, I am a fan.  I loved it instantly, but was not going to buy it unless I could find a blouse that would go with it.  I have taken things home too often that didn't match anything in my closet and waited too long to finally wear them or give them away.  I scoured through the racks for black blouses.  I probably tried on four or five.  I lucked out and found one that looked great with the dress.  Now I could let myself take it home.

Hell Bunny Gery 50's Polka Dot Dress Pink

    I held on to my lovely finds as I browsed the shop a bit more.  In the jewelry section I found a choker with one of my favorite themes.  Roses.  The choker was all metal.  Delicate looking pink roses connected by silver colored links.  The unbelievable part is that the shade of pink on the roses was the same as the polka dots on the dress.  The choker had to go home with me too.

Thrifting for lolita

    I checked out and the three items all together were less than $30.  A blouse, a necklace, and a dress all under $30.  And how well they went together.  This particular trip is one of my favorite thrifting stories.  The dress itself I have seen on Modcloth for around $60.  I got a great deal that day and came away with the better part of a coord.

    What was your best deal?  Do you go thrifting?  What are your thoughts on thrifting for lolita or any other fashion?

    See you again later.  Next week I will be tackling number 13.  Until then stay adorable.
