A Little Rammbling About Reading


    Let's take a break from writing and talk about reading.  As mentioned earlier this month, reading is a good practice for any writer.  So here is a question.  What are you reading lately?

    I tend to be reading several books at any given time.  I have done this since I was young.  I tried for some time to only read one book at a time, but I found it took me longer to finish books that way.  You are not always in the mood for Bram Stoker's "Dracula" or Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "The Hound of Baskervilles."  It is nice to have some light reading on the side.  I also have always enjoyed non-fiction and how-to's.  At an early age I had a love for knowledge that I soon found I could better satisfy with books than with people.  I also keep books on hand for research for what ever projects I am working on at the time.  Lately I have been keeping the books I am reading on a designated shelf.  That's it above.  I recently bought a copy of an unabridged dictionary, so it found a home on the shelf too.  It's the really big one.  I had a lot of fun dressing up this shelf. (I am still prettying up my home in the aftermath of NaNoWriMo)  Do you have a special place for the books you are reading?


    One book I am reading that is not pictured here is Mary Robinette Kowal's "Without a Summer."  I have it on audio book.  Which is a great way to be able to enjoy a book while in the bath or while painting your nails.  Another book that was recently gifted to me by a good friend is "Cracked The De-Textbook."  I have to say this is a great book to pick up and just start reading from random pages.  It covers all sorts of different subjects and it is hilarious.  After I finish Reading "Without a Summer," I am going to start "Go Ask Alice." (Anonymous)  I also have a collection of books on different subjects for my current writing project.  I am also perusing a vegetarian cook book and a couple of books on tea.  Those are some of the books I am working on.

    I have been thinking of trying out a website called Goodreads.  I read reviews there now and again.  A couple of my friends use it.  I don't have much to say about it yet, except that it looks like it could be fun and useful.  Anyone use Goodreads?  How do you like it?

Writing Exercise 

    This week for our writing exercise I am going to utilize another resource I found.  Writing Things is a board I follow on Pinterest.  It has tips, inspiration, advice, and prompts.  Here is today's exercise.
