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Image from Antique Images |
The autumn season is only 13 days away. Time to sit down and think about what we've achieved and what we want to achieve. I have been doing the 13 seasonal goals challenge for a year now. I am excited to embark on it again.
Crazy challenges have had a big impact on my life. NaNoWriMo helped to bring me out of a devastating writers block brought on by depression and introduced me to the Day Zero Project. Continuously pursuing these challenges and seeing that I was improving each time filled my life with something I had been missing.
There is also the added benefit of having a community to go to for support and encouragement. It is always worth trying out one of these crazy adventures. Because in the end at least you tried.
The 13 seasonal goals is a challenge to not only set out to achieve 13 things during a season, but to also make note of the season and enjoy it. In the ridiculously busy, fast paced world it can be seen as a luxury to stop and smell the flowers.
That is unacceptable! We need to not only stop and smell the flowers. We need to watch the leaves turn and the flowers bloom. We need to drink great apple cider and taste fresh berries. We need to challenge ourselves to try new things. And we need to do this with friends and family. People don't live forever. I have learned that the hard way.
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Image from The Graphics Fairy |
We also need to move forward with our life goals. I have heard over and over from varying sources that breaking goals up into smaller goals can help them seem less intimidating. What can we do in the thirteen weeks of a season that will further our long term and life goals?
If we set aside thirty minutes a day for thirteen weeks to learning something new how much could we learn?
That is almost 46 hours of studying. And with only half an hour a day.
What kind of awesome habits could we build if we set out to do it? If everyday we just tried for ourselves. Not what someone else wants us to do. But what we want to do.
Growing up I often got told you can do that later. During college I have often got told you can learn that later. NO! I want to learn it now. I don’t want to wait to live my life. I want to live my life now. I want to work toward my own goals and build the life I want to live. How about you? What do you want out of life?
The 13 seasonal goals isn't just about working to achieve life goals. It is, as I said, about taking time to enjoy. Doing things you have never done before. Taking part in the season for the sake of living in the moment and building memories. Doing things that benefit others. And having fun alone and with friends.
Whether the next season for you is autumn or spring, I invite you to join me in setting thirteen goals for the season.
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When I created the challenge I came up with some criterion for the goals to keep them diverse and still give each person control over the overall difficulty level of their list. I myself often set out to do way more than I can realistically achieve, but I still make progress. If you’d like to create your own list here are the criterion.
- 1 of the items needs to be personally challenging
- 1 of the items needs to be a financial goal
- 1 item needs to benefit someone else (volunteer time, donate, or maybe tutor someone)
- 1 item should be something you are doing for the first time
- 2 or more items should involve a group or being social (go out with friends and do something)
- 3 or more items should be based on the season
- 3 or more items need to be creative
- 3 or more items need to make you smile
Please note that you don’t have to have one goal for each criteria. The criterion are meant to overlap. Feel free to ask questions and if you decide to make a list I would love to see it.
Need some ideas for what to do? Here are some useful links and challenges you could incorporate. Most importantly have fun.
Real simple fall activities
Real simple spring activities
Want to work on building habits and breaking bad ones try out HabitRPG
NaNoWriMo runs every November and is a great way to bust that one day novel into a today novel
Search for autumn inspiration and projects on Pinterest
or Search for spring inspiration and projects on Pinterest
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