NaNoWriMo is coming. I don't feel like I have done enough to properly prepare for it, but it is coming none the less. It has been a rough week. So much stress. I should probably take a nice long bath or something.
There have still been adolescent kittens running around the complex. they are a bit skittish, but adorable none the less. There was also a small kitten on the patio area earlier today. I left the little cuttie some water. Here are some of the things I loved this week.
- Watching way too many episodes of Bones and blaming my friend for introducing me to this great show.
- Going to the library book sale and coming home with a bag of books. I even found a book that I had specifically wanted.
- 8tracks this week are:
- sweet afternoon by thebeetles French
- death is all you cradle by angstanot I do like my southern gothic
- To be or not to be. That's not really a question. by I'm Deranged More French
- je suis une femme by huis clos The title in English is "I am a woman." More French. ♥
- Women of the World by Mark Faviell
- Robot Hugs is a great comic. Here is a recent comic on treatment using cats.
- Window shopping on the internet. I have been wantting to get a chest binder for some time now. Maybe I will pick one up by the end of the year.
- Spreading the word on Asexual Awareness Week
- Feeling euphoria while riding my bicycle.
It is asexual awareness week and if you did not already know I am an asexual aromantic. You can learn more about the asexual spectrum at AVEN the Asexual Visibility and Education Network. You can also learn more at Asexual Awareness Week. Asexual awareness week runs from October 26 - November 1st.
That is my week. How is your's going?
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