It's Valentine's Day, I'm Single, & I'm Not Sorry

Image from The Graphics Fairy

    Valentine's Day can be rough for some people and for different reasons.  However today I have some lovely trinkets for you from around the internet.

    There have been some great posts out in the blogosphere in reference to Valentine's Day this week.  Victoria Suzanne had a great post on Parfait Doll about being single for the holiday.  And whether or not you're single Gala Darling has some advice for the day.

    Valentine's Day seems to be angled very much for heteronormative couples.  There is this sense of the romantic relationship being better than other relationships.  And there is also this sense of dread or pity for singles.  Last year I threw a party the day after Valentine's Day not as an anti-Valentine's Day, but as an All Forms of Love Party.

    All forms of love are great and important.  Whether it is love for your pets, friendship love, romantic love, or self-love.  We need to celebrate all of these things and remember that they are all important.  Tomorrow I will be having my second All Forms of Love Party.

    I would like to share with you something that I think is very much in the same vein as self-love and happiness.  The first TED Talk I ever saw.

    I hope your day went well.  Don't forget to love yourself.  Because you are amazing and you deserve it.  And remember to not be sorry.

