November Try-Its & Goals

Image of tree foliage that fades from pink to yellow.  Text reads: November Try-its.

    Well October is done.  I felt rather cheated about it.  But November is here and I have decided that I am taking back November.  I and my room mates will know it is November and it will feel like November.  Aside from the fact that all of us will be attempting NaNoWriMo.

    First off for the month I am going to slaughter NaNoWriMo.  I am not going to set out just to achieve the 50k word count.  I want to do more than that .  I want to maintain other goals and keep a social life.

    Second, I want to study French and mathematics.  I am so rusty at my maths.  I need to practice daily so that a lot of the things become second nature again.  As for the French I just haven't kept up my studies.  So I want to study both of these subjects this month.

    Third, more decorating.  I should decorate in my room too.  I'd like to see if I can get my hands on some of the window clings.  That could be fun.  I also have wall art that still needs to be hung so not all of the decorating will be seasonal.

    Creativity!  Baking and working with polymer!! I feel like I have gotten better and better with the polymer.  I want to make more things and continue to improve my skills and techniques.  I also want to get a new set of cookie dies for my cookie press.  I have my eyes on a set that does leaves and turkeys.  And speaking of baking it is time to make another pumpkin marble cheese cake.

    In conclusion I am a crazy person.  Lets see how long I survive the month.  lol

    What are your goals and plans for November?  Are you doing NaNoWriMo?

