Some of my friends decided to cover the cost of me getting a haircut this week after the rough weekend. I am super grateful for them doing that. My hair is now super short and versatile. I can make it look feminine or masculine. Here is a look at it! Onward to the good list.
- Music
- Art
- Commissions
- Creating things
- Flowers
- Inspiration
- je ne sais pas by conan doyle on 8tracks
- This pic of a tiny kitty on a guys shoulder
- Meow meows aka kitties
- John Oliver - We the People
- Dropping the ‘aspiring.’ It’s okay to call yourself a writer. by Parker Molloy
- Going to the museum. Science! History!
Well I have to go get some more stuff done. Work! Work! Create! Create!
What are you loving this week?
Until later,
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