I'm Back

    Last month was my blogiversary.  Four years of Petticoat Pedaler.  A lot of changes.  The last two years have been rough.  A lot of challenges and losing some of my independence.  The last year in particular though has been rather painful.  I have taken some time to think about what I want to write about.  What I want to work toward.  I still feel like I need to figure some of it out, but I have at least a couple things I want to work on.  I want to talk about more spoonie stuff.  I want to look into accessibility for the print disabled and if there is more of it than what I know of or if it can be improved.  I want more kawaii and cute in my life.  I have been so tired lately and I do not feel cute a lot of the time.  But I also want to study.  I want to improve my skills.  So I am back and I hope I can write often.  But I also want to write better.  I hope to see you around.  Let's see where we go from here.

See ya around,
Signature reading Lilian A. Brennan
