I Saw "A Wrinkle in Time" [No Spoilers]

    I saw A Wrinkle In Time last night.  It was beautiful and powerful and I seriously should have had tissues.  I have to say that it is one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.  I need to read the book again since I never got to read the whole thing years ago in school.   Just prior to the film starting there was a short bit, probably only a few minutes long, with the director Ava DuVernay talking about all the people that worked on it and all the hard work that went into it.  She also thanked the audience for coming to see it.  I don’t think I can ever remember having a bit of video like this before a film.  It was rather nice.  It also helped me remember the director and put a face to the job. 

    As for the film.  The scenery and the costumes were beautiful.  The music made me want to start practicing on the violin again.  Especially the song Warrior by Chloe X Halle.  I really loved the story that was told and the interactions between the characters.  Since it is a movie based on a book I am sure there are parts that were left out, but that is pretty common.  And considering it has really wet my taste to pick the book up again I would say it did a great job.  I don’t want to talk too much more since I really want to avoid spoiling it for anyone.  But I would go see this one again given the chance.  In theaters.  I would take a box of tissues though.  I'd also like to look into what else Ava DuVernay has worked on as well as some of the other people that worked on the film. 

-Lilian A. Brennan
