Things I Love Thursday: Yay Medical Problems

Light purple colored background with sand and green aquamarine dots.  Text in darker purple reads Things I Love Thursday.

    I got to go to the Rock and gem show this past weekend.  It was fun.  The people running it were helpful and nice.  They even had wheelchairs there for anyone who needed them.  This was immensely helpful and meant I could go so much longer than I would have had a I had to walk the entire time. Other things I loved this week are:
  • Tasty meat substitutes
  • Tea
  • Minecraft
  • Artifexian Videos Can you say world building with science?  Fascinating! 
  •  Baking for others
  • Games
  • Rocks!!! 
  • Helpful people and accessibility 
  • Finishing my coloring page I have been working on once a month
  • Critical Role
  • Daily Space

    I'd like to take a moment to apologize for this post coming out later in the day.  I went to the doctor this week to see if there was something that could be done about my disabling dizziness.  He suggested I try a medicine and yesterday I took my first pill.  About three hours after taking it I became so tired I was having trouble functioning and even started to hallucinate.  I got to bed safe thanks to everyone and slept for more than 12 hours.  But even now I feel really loopy and not quite here.  This may not be a medicine for me.  Yay spoonie and medical problems.  Take care of yourselves and let us know what you are loving this week. 

Lilian A. Brennan
