Over Planning. Under Planning.

[Image Description] Red colorized illustration from a Victorian woman reading mail at a table.
Image from Antique Images

    New Years Eve is tomorrow and I am overwhelmed with the amount of work that needs to be done.  Now we can plan forever and get nothing done. But that doesn’t mean we should just not plan at all. 

     I feel like it is a little like world building and world builders disease.  We need to find the right balance.  And that balance is going to be different for each person.  It may even differ from one part of a person’s life to another or from one area of life to another.  Like you may need to plan a project out very thoroughly, but work more effectively with less planning when it comes to studying a topic. 

    But yeah, these are some of my thoughts on planning things out as I prep for the New Year.  The New Decade. 

    Are you ready?  Are you prepping?  And how? 

Lilian A. Brennan
