Things I Love Thursday: Paper Snowflakes for Yule

[Image Description] Light purple colored background with sand and green aquamarine dots.  Text in darker purple reads Things I Love Thursday.

    I took some time today to sit down away from the computer and do an activity that I really wanted to do.  I sat in the living room with the tree lights on, listened to a book on audible, and made paper snowflakes to tape up around the tree.  It was very enjoyable.  and when I was finished I felt so fulfilled and actually ready to jump back into work. 

    I need to take time to do stuff like that more often.  I have such a habit of just wok work until I have to take a break or get burned out.  It is not the healthiest habit and I know it stems not only from the fast paced world, but also from ableism.  I am going to try and take time to play more.  How about you?  

    It is Thursday so here are some other things that I am grateful for, have made me smile, or that entertained me. 
  • Art
  • Getting a rosemary bush shaped like a tree and taking the time to decorate it
  • Learning about the features of my library account.  Seriously learn more about your library. 
  • Making food and bread
  • Adding recipes to my own book 
  • Playing with the cats
  • Watching Hotel Transylvania 
  • The softest blanket in the world  
  • Having an entire week of not feeling hopelessly depressed 
  • Hanging out at the Krampus Holiday Market
  • Getting a picture with Krampus.  I don't know what everyone is talking about he is so friendly ;P
  • Finding a new anime to watch 
  • Finally reading more often 
  • Making plans for the future 
  • Doodling 
  • Rock music and the Rolling Stones 
  • Soft and happy music 
  • My new birthday mug from Level 1 Gamers

    I hope you are all doing well and taking time for yourselves.  And whatever holiday if any you celebrate I hope you are enjoying life to the fullest.  Happy Holidays and may the coming year great you with abundance and joy. 

