Things I Love Thursday: Feeling Better

[Image Description] Vintage drawing of a young girl wearing a nightgown in a bed being presented a small potted tree by another young girl.
Image from The Graphics Fairy

    Welcome to the first Things I Love Thursday of 2020.  I have been varying degrees of under the weather since at least Saturday and this morning I actually woke up without a coughing fit.  Hopefully I am on the up and this is not just a momentary lapse in the face melting I have been dealing with. 

    Another good thing, actually an amazing thing.  I have been tracking my mood and for over a month now I haven't been depressed.  I will have moments of feeling depressed, but they always seem to have a cause.  Like I will feel depressed and realize I haven't eaten.  It is absolutely amazing to have solutions for these feelings and even more amazing for them to be so momentary. 

    Here are a few other things that I have been enjoying. 

  • Restaurants with lots of food options for me
  • Rewatching Oran Host Club
  • Popcorn
  • Kitties
  • Cozy blankets 
  • The sound of rain 
  • New goals 
  • Math
  • Playing the Sims 3 
    I hope the new year is treating you well so far.  What has been making you happy lately? 
Lilian A. Brennan
