I Am Actually Doing Better Than I Thought I was

[Image Description] A bullet journal spread on a dot grid page.  Title of page reads "Year in Pixels." Title is written in thin black ink over a banner of squares in various colors.  A grid chart  for 5 months and all the days of those moths is drawn out in black ink.  Various symbols and colors are listed on the side in the key.

    I felt like the pandemic was hitting me harder than it was.  Or rather I felt like I was handling it worse than I am.

    But anyone who grapples with their mental health can probably tell you, "your  brain is just being mean."

    I keep a year in pixel spread in my bullet journal.  I use it to track both my mental health, mood, and some of my physical symptoms.

    I have had to increase my medicine regiment to be able to handle the stress.  Let's be real a pandemic is no walk in the park.

    But I had started to think that I had been doing bad the whole pandemic.  That just isn't true.

    In fact because of the year in pixels spread I can trace the problem right to where it started.  A pain flare in April.  Thinking back and looking at my other records I know that that pain flare laid me up for a bit and screwed with my sleep cycle.  I really didn't recover from it.  And then before I knew it I had another pain flare.

    Using the information from the spread I can see that I was handling really well and it is only these physical symptoms that have tripped up my mental ones.  But both the mental and the physical can snow ball.

    It is a lot of work to get things back in order.

    Do you have any tools or tracking methods that help you manage your physical and emotional health?
