Things I Love Thursday: One Step At A Time

 [Image Description] Light purple colored background with sand and green aquamarine dots.  Text in darker purple reads Things I Love Thursday.

    This week has felt a little shorter. My depression has stolen some of my time, but I am still treading water.  One step at a time. One step at a time. 
  • My Minecraft cat sitting in the spawn inn named Sugar Cube. 
  • Kipo & the Age of Wonderbeasts
  • A Tribe Called Red 
  • Reading, so much reading 
  • Getting tasks done 
  • Getting to talk to people
  • Hearing about snow capped mountains on Pluto that you wouldn't want to ski on. 


    This week has been a little rougher than the last few, but I am still doing good. All the little things I do to keep myself up really make a difference. It also helps that I have gotten to a point where I don't feel bad taking a break.  

    I have found some tools that help with my productivity and consistency in my miniatures business. I am hoping I can use those same tools here and with my other writing.  Maybe You'll see me start posting on the regular again.   

    So how are you all feeling? 



  1. Aw, that little white kitty Witch is precious! I hope you feel even better soon. You don't really know me, but I'm always here for a chat. I struggle with Bipolar Disorder as well as several other mental health issues, so I truly understand. I've been good so far today! I hope that lasts. Take care!

    1. Thank you. I hope your day stays good too. I think I'll get better soon. I missed a few days of my meds and that can make things really hard, but I have a lot of other tools to keep me afloat so I am getting back on track now. And yes that little kitten witch is the cutest. If you haven't seen it yet, look up Kitten Witch and the Bad Vibes on Tumblr. It is the cutest and is great for mental health.


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